Sheet Music

Sheet music for the songs "in His eyes" and "Satisfied" (from the album "in His eyes") are available in the following versions:

  • Piano- High voice
  • Piano- Alto voice (same key as recording)
  • Organ- High voice
  • Organ- Alto voice (same key as recording)

Guitar chords are provided on sheet music.

To view the first page of every song, click on the sheet music below.
Sheet music can be ordered by clicking on the "Buy" links below.


Key Signatures:
Alto: D flat major
High: F major

piano- alto voice
piano- high voice
organ- alto voice
organ- high voice


Key Signatures:
Alto: F major
High: B flat major

piano- alto voice
piano- high voice
organ- alto voice
organ- high voice
Order Mindy's Music

© 2012 Mindy Jostyn
Website Design: Al Belote -- Hosted/Implemented: Tuned-In Web Design